Notice re coronavirus

Wednesday, 11 March 2020 by John Smithson

At the committee meeting held on Tuesday 10th March, it was decided by a clear majority that the club should keep running normally for the time being.  This is however a developing situation and we will keep a close eye on what is happening  locally together with advice given by the government.  The club officials will make an executive decision to close the club should they feel it is necessary

Those who have concerns about playing,  don’t feel guilty, just make sure your partners are aware of your decision not to attend.  Also, if you have entered the Congress, please discuss this with your partner/s and let John or Paul know of any changes ASAP.

Please do not come to the club if you have a cough, cold or feel at all unwell.

Remember hand hygiene is imperative, please wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the cards.