AGM update

Wednesday, 04 May 2022 by Paul Gipson

The club is holding the AGM at the Parish Centre this year, and there is no plan to make this a hybrid meeting that allows online contributions. The primary reasons for this are a lack of technology combined with the cost and expertise to set it up.

Although it may seem simple to run a Zoom session at the same time now that the Parish Centre has wifi, for an effective hybrid meeting we would need cameras, screens, microphones, additional laptops and someone to set it up, including practice sessions.

If the Parish Centre had all of these items, then it would be feasible, but without them the cost and time involved to support a single meeting is not practical.

The club constitution does not allow proxy voting, but we are keen that those unable to attend the AGM are able to make their views known. Both Christopher and Paul are happy to receive your thoughts and comments and will present them to the AGM at the appropriate time in the meeting.

The AGM will be on Tuesday, 24 May and the formal notice will be issued next week following Monday's committee meeting.