Thursday Play & Learn bridge

Friday, 13 May 2016 by Gary Ellis

Starting Thursday, 19 May, and running through the summer until the end of August, there will be weekly Play and Learn sessions run at the club starting at 7pm and finishing by 10pm.

These informal sessions are intended for players looking to get more experience of club play and less experienced club members seeking to improve their game. No partner is necessary as there will be hosts available. There is no formal teaching element, but the hosts will provide help and guidance to those that seek it. 

Janet and Jean will be the principal hosts over the summer. 

More experienced club players are very welcome. Evenings will normally be scored using cross imps, giving the opportunity to get used to this form of scoring, and the newer players will benefit from their expertise. It is expected that 20-24 boards will be played and, with sufficient numbers, may run two sections based on experience.

On the first Thursday of every month, Paul will run a special Play & Discuss session. Everyone will play 16 boards and then Paul will host a discussion afterwards of all the boards played - well, as much as he can get through before the end of the evening! As the club’s only Grand Master this is a great opportunity for everyone to learn from his experience and expertise.

If you want to find a partner for any evening, why not use the Pianola Partner Finder? You can create an advert saying you want to play, and using the ‘Preferences’ menu you can configure it to email your friends, allow others to see the advert, and block your enemies! Contact Paul or Christine if you need help with this.

Encouraging new members is the best way to continue growing the Berwick club and I hope that everyone will support Thursday bridge over the summer, promoting a welcoming and enthusiastic club. 

Gary Ellis
