President's update

Tuesday, 26 July 2022 by Paul Gipson

I have important news to share about the season starting in September.

We shall be returning to the Parish Centre on Thursday, 1 September and playing there on Thursdays through to May.

The committee has committed to addressing the ventilation issues by supporting the Parochial Church Council with a large grant. However this is largely dependent on the number of tables during September. Other groups using the Parish Centre have never reported any issues, but typically we have more people in the hall and for a longer time: if we find that there is a significant reduction in the number of tables, then ventilation should not be such a concern.

We shall start the season with a drinks reception to celebrate the club’s 50th anniversary at the Parish Centre. Hopefully good weather will allow us to use the patio followed by bridge. This will be on Thursday, 1 September from 6pm. You will receive an invitation shortly and please let us know if you hope to come.

Please be aware that our new risk assessment rules currently require that the windows are kept open to ensure good ventilation and it is advised to have extra clothing available to wear when the temperature drops.

I look forward to seeing you on 1 September for a drink, some nibbles and bridge.

Best wishes
