Bridge over the festive season

Monday, 18 December 2023 by Paul Gipson

Monday, 18 December will be the last Monday afternoon bridge session of the year at the Parish Centre at 2.30pm. It will restart on Monday, 8 January.

Tuesday, 19 December is the fourth round of the McDonald Cup on BBO at 7pm.

Thursday, 21 December is the third round of the Pearson Pot at the Parish Centre at 7pm.

Saturday, 23 December is Paul's free 12-board pairs tournament on BBO at 11am (run by paulg)

There is no BBO tournament on Boxing Day

Wednesday, 27 December sees Paul running a free 20-board pairs 'Twixmas' tournament on BBO at 7pm (run by paulg)

There is no tournament at the Parish Centre on Thursday, 28 December.

Saturday, 30 December is Paul's free 12-board pairs tournament on BBO at 11am (run by paulg)

Tuesday, 2 January is the fourth round of the Calder Martin on BBO at 7pm.

Thursday, 4 January is the fifth round of the Royal Bank at the Parish Centre at 7pm.

All the events can be seen on the calendar.

Have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year